Suppose that you have a protein-synthesis system that is synthesizing a
protein designated A. Furthermore, you know that protein A has four trypsin-
sensitive sites, equally spaced in the protein, that, on digestion with
trypsin, yield the peptides \(A_{1}, A_{2}, A_{3}, A_{4},\) and \(A_{5} .\)
Peptide \(A_{1}\) is the amino-terminal peptide, and \(A_{5}\) is the carboxyl-
terminal peptide. Finally, you know that your system requires 4 minutes to
synthesize a complete protein \(A .\) At \(t=0,\) you add all 20 amino acids, each
carrying a \(^{14} \mathrm{C}\) label.
(a) At \(t=1\) minute, you isolate intact protein A from the system, cleave it
with trypsin, and isolate the five peptides. Which peptide is most heavily
(b) At \(t=3\) minutes, what will be the order of the labeling of peptides from
greatest to least?
(c) What does this experiment tell you about the direction of protein