Coordination chemistry focuses on the study of compounds composed of a central atom or ion, usually metallic, bonded to surrounding ligands.
These compounds are called coordination compounds and can vary in complexity and function.
With \([\mathrm{Pt(NH}_3)_5\mathrm{Cl}] \mathrm{Cl}_3\), we see a beautiful example of how intricate coordination chemistry can get.
- The central concept involves the coordination sphere, where the metal ion and its attached ligands reside.
- Outside this coordination sphere are ions or molecules (counter-ions) that balance the compound's net charge.
The intricacies of this chemistry explain how compounds like \(\mathrm{PtCl}_{4} \cdot 5 \mathrm{NH}_{3}\) dissociate into ions and maintain charge balance.
Applications of coordination chemistry are vast, including fields like catalysis, materials science, and medicine, illustrating its profound impact on many scientific areas.