Problem 1
Which is not correct regarding the adsorption of a gas on surface of solid? (a) on increasing temperature adsorption increases continuously (b) enthalpy and entropy change is \(-\) ve (c) adsorption is more for some specific substance (d) reversible
Problem 2
Position of non-polar and polar part in micelles: (a) polar on outer surface and non polar on inner surface (b) polar on inner surface and non polar on outer surface (c) distributed over all the surface (d) are present on the surface only
Problem 3
Which of the following forms cationic micelles above certain concentration? (a) sodium dodecyl sulphate (b) sodium acetate (c) urea (d) cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide
Problem 4
The statement not applicable to chemisoption is that it is (a) highly specific (b) independent of temperature (c) irreversible (d) slow
Problem 5
The blue colour of water in the sea is due to (a) scattering of blue light by water molecules (b) reflection of blue sky by sea water (c) refraction of blue light by the impurities in sea water (d) adsorption of other colours, except the blue colour by water molecules
Problem 6
Which of the following is correct for lyophilic sol? (a) irreversible sol (b) formed from inorganic substances (c) readily coagulated by addition of electrolyte (d) self stabilized
Problem 7
Rate of physisorption increases with (a) decrease in temperature (b) increase in temperature (c) decrease in pressure (d) decrease in surface area
Problem 8
Milk is a colloid in which (a) liquid is dispersed in liquid (b) gas is dispersed in liquid (c) sugar is dispersed in water (d) solid is dispersed in liquid
Problem 9
Physical adsorption is inversely proportional to (a) temperature (b) volume (c) concentration (d) all of these
Problem 10
The migration of colloidal particle under the influence of electric field towards an electrode is known as (a) electrophoresis (b) electro-osmosis (c) Tyndall effect (d) Brownian movement