Chapter 1: 12CA (page 25)
GROUPWORK (GAAP Terminology) Wayne Rogers, an administrator at a major university, recently said, “I’ve got some CDs in my IRA, which I set up to beat the IRS.” As elsewhere, in the world of accounting and finance, it often helps to be fluent in abbreviations and acronyms.
Presented below is a list of common accounting acronyms. Identify the term for which each acronym stands, and provide a brief definition of each term.
(a) AICPA (e) FAF (l) FASB
(b) CAP (f) FASAC (j) SEC
(c) EITF (g) GAAP (k) IASB
(d) APB (h) CPA
Short Answer
Definition of the terms AICPA, CAP, EITF, APB, FAF, FASAC, GAAP, CPA, FASB, SEC and IASB shown in the steps 1 to step 11.