Fill in the blanks with the phrase that best completes the sentence.Some phrases may be used more than once and some not at all.
- cost center
- revenue center
- investment center
- lower
- profit center
- higher
- responsibility center
1. The maintenance department at the local zoo is a(n)___________
2. The gift shop at the local zoo is a(n)____________
3. The menswear department of a department store, which is responsible forbuying and selling merchandise, is a(n)_______________
4. The production line at a manufacturing plant is a(n)
5. A( n)________________is any segment of the business whose manager isaccountable for specific activities.
6. A division of a beverage manufacturing company responsible for aparticular brand of soft drink is a(n)_______________
7. The sales manager in charge of a shoe companyโs northwest sales territoryoversees a(n)
8. Managers of cost and revenue centers are at_____________ levels of theorganization than are managers of profit and investment centers.______