In its recent annual report and related Global Responsibility Report, Starbucks provides information on company performance on several dimensions. Indicate whether the following items best fit into the financial (label your answer โProfitโ), social (label your answer โPeopleโ), or environmental (label your answer โPlanetโ) aspects of triple bottom line reporting.
1. Sales revenue totaled \(16.5 billion.
2. 96% of coffee was purchased from suppliers certified for responsible farming and ethics.
3. Reduced water consumption by 4%.
4. Reduced energy consumption.
5. Operating income totaled \)119.2 million.
6. Increased purchases of energy from renewable sources.
7. All new stores are built using certified green building techniques.
8. Decreased amounts of packaging materials.
9. Discontinued working with factories that did not meet standards for their working conditions.