The Protenor mode is a method of chromosomal sex determination seen in some organisms, notably certain insects. In this system, the role of determining sex falls on the sex chromosomes labeled X and Y. Here, the male organism is considered heterogametic. This is because males have two different sex chromosomes (XY), while females are considered homogametic, possessing two identical sex chromosomes (XX).
This form of sex determination shows some parallels to what is observed in humans. As seen in humans, the presence of a Y chromosome typically instigates male development. The key features of the Protenor mode of sex determination include:
- Presence of an XY male and XX female configuration.
- The Y chromosome in males contributes to male trait development.
- The X chromosome is shared by both genders but doubles in the female configuration.
In this way, presence or absence of the Y chromosome becomes the deciding factor for the development of male characteristics.